In India we are following the lives of 3000 children (now young adults) in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana since 2001.  They are a pro-poor sample in two cohorts, younger cohort born in 2001-02 and the older cohort born in 1994 -95 who are now 22 and 29 years old respectively. 


Over the last 24 years of the study to date, Young Lives in India has conducted five rounds of quantitative and four rounds of qualitative surveys, two school surveys, and a five-phone call surveys (2020 - 21). A further COVID-19-related phone survey interviewed 218 school principals across government and private secondary schools, to establish how educational institutes had responded to the needs of students while schools were shut due to the pandemic. 


Young Lives India has successfully completed data collection for Round 7 Longitudinal Survey. The key findings from the Round 7 survey will be published soon. Watch this space for more updates.

Young Lives around the world

Young Lives India is part of an international study of childhood poverty following the changing lives of 12,000 children in Ethiopia, India (in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), Peru and Vietnam over 20 years.

Learn from Our Research

Our groundbreaking, mixed methods longitudinal study allows us to investigate the impact of the children's early circumstances on their later outcomes across multiple areas: Education and Skills, Employment, Health and Well-being, Family Lives, Gender, and Intersecting Inequalities.