Preliminary Data from Rounds 1 to 4 in India
The following key findings summaries have been produced as part of a series of fact sheets giving a preliminary overview of some of the descriptive data emerging from Round 4 of the Young Lives household and child survey. The key findings refer to our original sample in the undivided state of Andhra Pradesh (as it was at the start time of our survey before the state was split into Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in June 2014).
Survey Design and Methods fact sheet
Our Education and Learning fact sheet reports on some of the changes that have taken places in key education indicators for our sample children over the eleven years since the first round of data collection in 2002. Click here for related graphs and figures
Our Health and Nutrition fact sheet gives descriptive findings on some of the key nutrition and health outcomes of the Younger Cohort sample children at age 12. Click here for related graphs and figures
TheYouth and Development fact sheet reports on outcomes for the Older Cohort at age 19 in terms of education, employment and marriage.Click here to view related graphs and figures