Brief Biography

Prudhvikar has been senior researcher and survey coordinator at Young Lives India since the inception of the project in 2002.  With the help of a dedicated team of fieldworkers he has managed to keep the attrition of households at low levels, a crucial element of a longitudinal cohort study, and has published widely on poverty-related topics.He is also instrumental in the dissemination of Young Lives findings at district and local level.

His research interests include agriculture, poverty rural development, irrigation management, health, credit and the handloom sector.

Latest publications

Growth recovery and faltering through early adolescence:Determinants and implications for cognitive development

Young Lives Survey Design and Sampling in Andhra Pradesh, India

Youth and Development: Preliminary Findings from the Round 4 Survey in India

Nutrition and Health: Preliminary Findings from the Round 4 Survey in India

Education and Learning: Preliminary Findings from the Round 4 Survey in India

Classroom Process, Teacher Ability and Student Performance
