Family Lives and the Environment in Andhra Pradesh
As part of the ongoing collaboration between Young Lives and the NOVELLA (Narratives of Varied Everyday Lives and Linked Approaches) Family Lives and the Environment study based at the Institute of Education, Emma Wilson from Young Lives has been working closely with researchers Natasha Shukla and Janet Boddy to re-analyse a subset of qualitative data consisting of 8 Older Cohort children and their caregivers from the India (Andhra Pradesh) sample.
This joint analysis has had both substantive and methodological aims. Firstly the team was keen to explore the links between the everyday lives of children and families and their environments in line with the overall FLE research focus, which seeks to examine and understand cross-national perspectives on habitual practises.
Secondly, we wanted to explore the value of combining two well-established analytic methods in qualitative research - thematic analysis and narrative analysis – and to understand how they complement one another. The Young Lives researcher (Wilson) therefore applied a thematic approach to the cases, while the FLE researchers (Shukla and Boddy) adopted narrative methodologies in their analysis. The findings and insights from this cross-institutional collaboration have now been published in the form of a NOVELLA and NCRM working paper.
Natasha Shukla, Emma Wilson and Janet Boddy (2014) Combining Thematic and Narrative Analysis of Qualitative Interviews to Understand Children’s Spatialities in Andhra Pradesh, India, NOVELLA working paper: Narrative Research in Action, London: Institute of Education.